miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

march 28
I think that as we come to school dressed not much problem because the institution will not require it, but if it was required I think there would be trouble.

march 30
I think we dress has a lot according to how that person is, but everyone has the right to dress as they like, but as long as we dress according to occasion.

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

My name is Daniel, I have 20 years I am from Cananea Sonora, I am studying at the ITSC, I'm in 4 semester and I am in 8 subjects, the subject most difficult for me is Control Estadistico, I prefer to Estudio del Trabajo than Math.
My career in industrial engineering is related to the production, manufacturing and quality and now I can say that my physical strength is a little bit.
and my debildad to be a little unfulfilled and one of the obstacles I face is my failure to continue.

thursday web resutls
I found it because we are remembering things we had already seen and used a translator to remember pictures.

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

lab rules

- The bookbags on the back sheff
- Not allowed
      a) Food, drinks
      b) Caps, sunglasses
      c) Gums
- Place chairs back in this place
- Place the earphones to the right of the screen
- Take care of the equipment

2nd draff contract

for my people or things ideals are those that meet some aspects qe personally I should like.

I consider myself a guy who likes school, I am responsible at the time to do something and honest when I say something.
my teacher to start should be good with all the salon to get along with it all.
in my relationship I try to be very loving with my partner and love her very much and also her daughter.

my conclucion is that we must get along with all of us in English class.


Ideal Student        Ideal Teacher     Ideal Relationship
- honest                 - friendly             - communication
- puuntual              - funny                - respect
- respctful              - cool                 - funny
- responsable                                   - much love